Quotes in the News

“A diet of cheap and excessive debt has created a bloated financial system.” - Satyajit Das on the fall of the Subprime Loan Market in the US.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Distance is Nice. Quickness is Lethal!

The Nike+ Zoom Challenge is all about building your best mile by Sept 20th, 2007. Complete with a training plan and visual cues, I accepted this challenge from Nike on August 12th. I needed to know what I was up against, so I completed a 1.65km (1 Mile) run on August 13th in 9' 23". My most recent run of 1.67km was completed yesterday in 8' 04". The Nike+ system does not allow me to use a 1.65km run as part of this challenge as it recognizes this as only 0.99 Miles. The above mentioned run works out to 7' 45" which places me 1505th in the challenge (with over 4000+ active participants).

For those unfamiliar with the Nike+ System, it may be worthwhile to breifly speak to the technology. The system is quite simple, at yet engenious it the same way. My wife purchased the complete "kit" which includes: 4gb Nano Ipod, Nike Chip & Receiver, and Nike+ Shok Turbo Running Shoes (I will follow-up with pics in the future). One chip is installed in the sole of the left shoe while the other is plugged to Ipod. The system works off of two-way communication whereby the chip in your shoe senses the vibrations of your run and communicates with the receiver in your Ipod (see animated demonstration, http://nikeplus.nike.com/nikeplus/#products). The Ipod then proceeds to collect data from your run through a feature activated within the Nike Ipod.

The features of this system are designed to keep you thinking about running and improving upon your personal bests. You are able to set your workouts to specify runs to specific distances, times, and calories (via input of your weight). Calibrating the system is often needed (only once for your run and walking pace) so that the system can recognize your stride length to give you an accurate measure of your distance traveled. I learned this after running 6 1/2 laps around the track to only log 1.65KM (with the inside lane being 400Meters, I should have accomplished this in a little over 4 laps). The system also includes voice clips of various celebrities including Lance Armstrong that speaks to you after a workout where you have completed your longest, quickest, run based on previously recorded "bests."

Data is downloaded to your computer via a USB and through your Itunes application. The data can be setup to be automatically sent to the Nike+ website where you can see all your runs presented visually. Here you can name runs, assess your peaks and valleys, challenge friends with the Nike+ system, or take on Nike (or User Defined) events and challenges to keep you motivated.

I hope to keep you updated on my performance as I move forward with this particular challenge. I have a set a goal of 6 minutes for myself. Till next time, keep fit and have fun.

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