Quotes in the News

“A diet of cheap and excessive debt has created a bloated financial system.” - Satyajit Das on the fall of the Subprime Loan Market in the US.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Isn't that Some Sad Shit

Like Chris Rock would say, "Itsn't that Some Sad Shit". Recent article in theglobeandmail (link). OJ can't even afford a real rolex anymore, and if he could, the Goldmans would have took it. But instead they have to return it. What gets me is that the watch still costs $100 (appraised value). So in my opinion not can he not afford a real rolex, he paid to much for the fake he was wearing.
Goldmans are mad because after the civil suit OJ hasn't paid a dime for all the legal woes and judgements that were passed. Essentially, the law of the state is that he got have his previous wages garnished (NFL pension) or money that he has already made. Its only new dollars that they are entitled to. So OJ did the only thing he could do, he stopped working.
Now OJ isn't broke by any means, unless you call living in a mansion, golfing everyday, and throwing the occasional trip into Las Vegas only to get caught stealing your own shit broke. No, thats called stupid.
My 2 thoughts anyways....

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