Quotes in the News

“A diet of cheap and excessive debt has created a bloated financial system.” - Satyajit Das on the fall of the Subprime Loan Market in the US.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Friday Rant...

This was supposed to be posted on Friday...better late then never I suppose.
TGIF. Before we hit the weekend though, some bits to munch on....

What makes motorcyclist's think they can do whatever they want on the road?? I'm driving this morning and as usual, since summer's over, its congested on the street coming off the bridge. Here this guy is on his bike weaving in and out of traffic traffic, driving between traffic, driving on the curb or where ever he can squeeze his skinny little tires. What the hell is your hurry! We are getting closer to my turnoff and this loser suddenly leaves the road only to come wailing back on as I am crossing the side streeet. Apparently he didn't realize you can't drive through on that particular street. I follow him to a block within work and the light hits red. Don't let a red light stop you, ride the curb, cut through a corner lot and come out ahead on the following street. I got a friend who apparently does the same thing. I fear for his life but only because I know him.

What makes fish so stupid? I mean I have this Beta fish that is blessed with the longest life I have ever been able to make it. It thrives off neglect. I don't feed it on weekends, I pay attention to it only when I feed it once in the monring, and I get lots of compliments of how I am able to care for it. So the thing poops and the bowl gets dirty. Circle of food. I hope to clean the bowl once a month or before I can barely see the fish swimming around. Last time I go to clean it, I am having a hard time getting the fish transferred to another bowl. I usually do this by grabbing it (I know ruthless) but this time he keeps slipping by. Finally, I cup my hand and the start bring my hand out of the water. Before I can close my hand, the fish circles the bowl a couple of times and jumps straight out of the bowl, over the desk, and hits the ground. Great, so much for the longest fish I have ever had....Crazy thing is that this guy is still alive and after some squirmish grabs, I was able to grab him and put him in my transfer bowl. To avoid this, I finally but a fish net. I tried this new tool out on Friday and I though I was going to kill the little guy...again. He wrapped himself (I use the masculine based on my own bias) in the net so tight I had to dig him out when transferring him to the other bowl. Anyways, stupid fish but I would cry if he dies tommorow.

Now I feel better.

My 2 thoughts anyways...

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